FREE Live 60 minute Masterclass!

It's Not You, It's Your Blood Sugar

Hosted by Lauren Allen, CNC

Space is limited. Reserve your spot now!

How your unbalanced blood sugar is causing your mood swings, weight gain, painful periods, and fertility challenges, and what you can do about it. 

Sunday March 3rd or Thursday March 7th at 1:00 pm EST/ 8:00 PM IST

Are you constantly dealing with sugar cravings but still feel hungry? 

Do you wake up with anxiety for no particular reason, feel tired all day, but then struggle to sleep well at night?

When your period rolls around do you feel like a complete hormonal mess? 

Do you have irregular periods or painful cramps but we’re told it’s totally normal? 

Well I’m going to let you in on something:

It’s NOT normal. 

We are NOT wired to feel as badly as most of us do.

But it’s not your fault. We live in a world where we’re experiencing an evolutionary mismatch: our bodies were designed to thrive, but our current diet and lifestyles make it almost impossible to do so. 

And one of the reasons why is because most of us are living with chronically unbalanced blood sugar.

This Masterclass is for you if you struggle with...

  • Irregular periods

  • Fatigue

  • Mood swings

  • Anxiety

  • Painful cramps

  • Constant sugar cravings

  • Weight struggles

  • PCOS

  • Fertility struggles

  • Heavy periods

Yesss I'm in!

In this FREE masterclass all about blood sugar, you’ll learn:

  • How you accidentally got on the blood sugar roller coaster 
  • How it messed with your mood, increases anxiety and reduces your energy
  • How it can cause chaos for your cycles and reduce your fertility
  • How it affects your metabolism and can cause your weight struggles
  • 4 steps you can take to start balancing your blood sugar ASAP!
Sign me up!

You will leave this Masterclass with clarity and confidence to take charge of your health

I'm in! Let's do this!