The Empowered Path Postpartum

A LIVE 90-minute masterclass hosted by Lauren Allen, CNC

Sunday, September 22nd 2024

1:00 pm EST/8:00 pm IST

Register Here for just $97

Do any of these sound like you?


"I love my baby so much, but I miss feeling like myself. I'm exhausted, I know I'm not eating well, and my body just doesn't feel like mine anymore..."  

I just had a baby and I can barely make time to brush my teeth...never mind eating healthy meals! HELP!"

"I had a baby 6 months ago but I still haven't found the way to take care of myself during this new phase of life..."


Are you a new mama who feels like you can either take care of your baby, or yourself, but not both?

If you want to take charge of your postpartum, this masterclass is for you! 

In this 90 Minute Masterclass, you'll learn how to use food to nourish yourself postpartum, support recovery, replenish your nutrients, lose weight if that’s part of your goals, and nourish yourself so you can be a happy, healthy mama.

Here's Just Some Of What You'll Learn in This Masterclass:

  • How to replenish nutrient deficiencies after pregnancy and birth

  • Proper nutrition for breastfeeding and pumping mamas

  • What supplements to take to support you postpartum

  • How to safely lose weight post partum (if this is your goal)

  • Tips for eating healthy as a busy mama

  • The difference between postpartum culture hundreds of years ago, vs today

  • Supporting your mental health through postpartum recovery

  • + so much more!

Sign me up!

What you'll get with The Empowered Path Postpartum:

  • 90 minute live masterclass (with q + a at the end)
  • Access to the recording for 9 months
  • 50 nourishing breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes to support your postpartum journey 
  • PDF summary of the class
  • Other surprise exclusive bonuses and offers!
Register now

Shayna Z.

"I started working with Lauren after my second son was born and I had developed postpartum depression and I had terrible PMS before my periods. I felt anxious every Shabbos when my kids were home with me all day. I was a really picky eater, didn't eat a lot of vegetables, and I just never felt good. I was tired all the time. When I signed up for Lauren's program, I really committed to eating 3 healthy meals a day. I started sleeping better and had much better energy. I also started taking daily walks, which changed my life. I felt SO alive just from stepping outside and getting fresh air. A few months after working together, I noticed a big difference on Shabbos. I didn’t feel like a monster, I didn’t feel depressed, or anxious. I felt calm, I played with my kids. I was like watching myself and like who is that?!? It was crazy, oh my gosh. I just felt fine. I was so happy to finally be that mom who just plays with her kids and feels fine instead of being an anxious mess. Lauren, my family and I can't thank you enough for guiding me and helping me make these changes!!"

Perri M.

"I never would have sent my son off to camp without breakfast. It's irresponsible!! But for some reason I was going off to work without eating and wasn't taking care of myself after I had my second. Since we started working together, the biggest change I've made is meal prepping. I learned about what my body actually needs and make sure I get my protein and fiber and complex carbs in at every meal, and I never skip meals anymore. My energy has been much smoother, calmer, my eczema has been much better, I'm sleeping better, and I feel like I can just count on myself. I really trust myself to take care of myself, and it's given me more confidence. Thank you!!"

Chanie B. 

"After giving birth to my daughter (my 4th kid) I really just felt like I wasn't myself and felt so uncomfortable in my body. I was 60 lbs heavier than I was before I started having kids, my joints ached, I felt tired and stressed all the time and I was just eating whatever was most convenient. I decided this year was going to be the year I put my health first. The biggest change I've made since working with Lauren is having a healthy breakfast every day, and just understanding what foods my body actually needs has helped me so much. I have more energy now, my skin is better, I'm less bloated, and I've lost 25 lbs in the last 5 months. I feel much more confident, have more energy, and my husband even tells me he sees such a difference in me. I still have a long way to go, but I know I'll get there with the habits I've already mastered."

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