How to Boost Your Egg Quality:
A Step by Step Guide
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How to Boost Your Egg Quality: A Step by Step Guide
This 33 page eBook Covers:
Nutrients and foods that support healthy egg quality
Nutrients and foods that DON'T support healthy egg quality
How to identify your fertile window
Supplements to boost egg quality& fertility
Sample 3-Day Meal Plan for boosting egg quality
What I wish I knew before TTC (trying to conceive)
+ so much more!
Feeling overwhelmed, confused, or anxious about trying to get pregnant?
I totally get it. I was there too.
Hi! I'm Lauren and my journey to becoming a mother was way harder than I ever thought it would be. After struggling for over a year to get pregnant and feeling like something was wrong with me and my body, I eventually got diagnosed with PCOS but was told I'd only be able to get pregnant by using fertility treatments.
But it turns out that there was another way to my path to motherhood...Despite what the doctors told me, changing my diet and lifestyle to balance my hormones and improve my egg quality helped me get pregnant naturally, twice!
After diving into the research on all things nutrition, supplements, cycle tracking, and lifestyle changes for fertility, and helping hundreds of women get pregnant through my coaching programs, I couldn't believe I didn't know all of this earlier. It certainly would've changed my journey, and I want it to change yours.
That's why I created this FREE eBook, filled with everything I WISH I knew when I started trying to get pregnant.
I have seen how powerful the transformation is in your TTC journey when you truly understand how your fertility works and you can proactively make choices to optimize your fertility instead of just passively trying to get pregnant and feeling confused and overwhelmed.
Wishing you so much love, empowerment, and success on this journey! You've Got This!